Lori Mullins
Vice President of Economic Incentives, MEDC
Lori Mullins is a Certified Economic Development Finance Professional and a Licensed Landscape Architect. She is the Vice President of Economic Incentives at the Michigan Economic Development Corporation where she leads a team responsible for statutory and financial review and incentive structuring. She volunteers with ULI’s Urban Plan program and previously spent five years as an instructor in the School of Planning, Design and Construction at Michigan State University (MSU). Lori earned a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture and a Master of Urban and Regional Planning both from MSU. Her professional experience has encompassed a range of design, project management, economic development and finance roles, with many years spent in municipal planning and economic development before moving to state government. At the MEDC she has helped to develop and launch new incentive initiatives. Outside of work, Lori and her family love to stay active and spend time exploring exciting places in Pure Michigan and beyond.